Thursday, February 22, 2007

I’m confused!!!

OK so what happened???

I had +34 C, hammock, flip flops and a nice constant sweet smell 5 days ago!
Now……I’m snowed in!
SOS, Räddningstjästen and the police says that you’re not allowed to go out!
You cant argue with that! I don’t want to get shoot by the man*!
So now I cant go to work,,,,what a pity!

No wonder I’m messed up in my little already messed up brain!!
I’m born on the wrong continent (and the wrong time for that matter, I should be a knight fighting for King Arthur, but that’s a whole other story!), my genes and are basically not made for this!!

Anyway....we “skåningar” are funny, every single year the snowcomes and every signel year
we are just as surprised “ oooo its slippery” “oooo its cold” “ oooo yellow snow taste funky”, “oooo if I drive with summer tiers I might run in poles, turn the car upside down and miss the first half off the champions league( happen to me yesterday).

*police, pig, chingale, el jeffe, 5.0 etc . These “people” have the right to shoot you in the head with a shootgun if you have parked you car wrong, or if you go outside when its snowing!


Blogger test said...

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo popetito, i wish dad doesnt find this blog while he surf's the internet making you rich looking some porn, searching for one of thoose wifes you buy trough internet and while he drinks a good wishky, he would feel really bad to have a soon as whiner as you, but then again who cares you are getting rich thanks to him, me and half world, just one thing, remember you have a little brother when you have a house in new york, jiji

9:12 AM  

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