T-20 days and counting
To day was the first day of my 20days non-alcohol/ecologic food/sauna/detox/no dirty thoughts (hmmm take the last one back) purification race!
It’s a very bad timing, just bought a hell of a lot booze, spring is on the way etc etc..guess its never a good time soo…
Don’t know why I have to do every thing so black and white, don’t know why I can just do everything lagom……....... Don’t know why Im doing this btw just came up with it,
,,and as you might have figured out I talk a lot of crap, with absolutely no substance…but ill make this,,,,, I think,,,,no serious I will
Deadline/beer time 2 of April,,,,,,, if anybody see me doing any of the things before that date, you have my full permission to hit/punchIkick me two times as hard as you please on where ever you want,,, except,,you know,,,,,,,,the baby maker!!!!
It’s a very bad timing, just bought a hell of a lot booze, spring is on the way etc etc..guess its never a good time soo…
Don’t know why I have to do every thing so black and white, don’t know why I can just do everything lagom……....... Don’t know why Im doing this btw just came up with it,
,,and as you might have figured out I talk a lot of crap, with absolutely no substance…but ill make this,,,,, I think,,,,no serious I will
Deadline/beer time 2 of April,,,,,,, if anybody see me doing any of the things before that date, you have my full permission to hit/punchIkick me two times as hard as you please on where ever you want,,, except,,you know,,,,,,,,the baby maker!!!!
I have tryed it ones for 30 days that was the stupiest think I have ever done, and you know me John I have done quite some, but anyway wish you good luck, but i don´t think you can make it, i just wish i was in Malmö and not here in Peking to hit/kick you twice ;)
Best wishes,
So you are not giving up foul language then, I see...
What are you talking about?? I used "the baby maker" instead of the other word you know,,that Im not using any morw
I meant "cr*p"
I used cr*p instead of another really really really bad word with the "old John" would have used,, so its a step in the right direction!! ;)
whats the "?" about?
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