Monday, November 19, 2007

summary part II

The wedding Maria and the Ber held their wedding in Kivik which is famous for its apples,,this is why NY is called the big apple, the Swedish viking called Harald Bluebeard discovered NY before Napoleon which not many people know.

one guy knew how to do a knot

a "painting" made off apples of swede Carl Von Linne the famous base player in Ace of base and the leading act/signer/dancer in phantom of the opera here you see the lucky guy and his ladie,,,he is the lucky oneFrätt with no respect for the old might Jesus Christ

And then the party stared,,calm and easy,,,the poor Frenchy didnt really know how to handle the snaps
(and I did a shirt change from classy/smashing pink to smoking hot blue)

air guitar,,,more a rule than a exception when Svante have had more than 10 beers

the groom with no shirt, Svante molests the groom thinking its not to late for one last "ride" and my sweet(no one told me I had a BIG U on my back,jerks!) after 5h of the running man and the marital art dance

the gay anthem "in the navy" with the village people is always a hit at traditional Swedish weddings

some crazy french man the groom no sign of the wife:)

and finito

Friday, November 16, 2007

summary part I

soooooooooo,,,Long time ago, I might start this thing again,,damn facebook, so in order to start I need to get this summer out off me, I will start with one off the big thing this summer the bachelor thingy for my good friend Bear.
I have broken my my arm so its abit had to write so will let the photos to the talking,, this is everything from the kidnapping to the unvoluntarily bathing

preparing to grab "da bear" he has a tendency to get violent if you wake him,,,so we brought the tejp as Matti is showing very pedology

just looking good and being drunk
