Monday, March 26, 2007

God and me cheers for the same team, so I cant be out and bicyling!


Something else happened this weekend to I won a F1 race (if you count like you should with out cheaters).. Now Im known as "Red Turbo B"

Some thigh and gluteus maximus stretching

Simon a fomer driver for the french legion Alfa Delta force ,,( he came last,,looser) and Filip a Tjeck that only has driven a Lada and a donkey before. Here he looks fascinated over the race and are very impressed over the wheals that spins so fast( he can 2:nd depending how you count)

Red Turbo B's winner game face

Simon, practicing the French lethal death grab, he can kill a hippopotamus with his bare hands

Some guy ,,think he was a pro or something

Da Ber aka Arrivattanen

Red Team

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I failed

Iv been drunk the entire weekend.....retardedly
Will get back you all with the stories,,, my god the stories. Or maybe I just should forget!

Anders, some guy and Safer

Andres a looong time ago(dont know why I publish this one)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Global Warming

All this healthy crap is killing me!!
Ok I had one of the most productive Monday ever ,have a hell of a lot of enegiee and I don’t have any anxiety over my weekend.
That also means that I don’t have any stories to tell at work!
I was talking about how great it was to wake up at 10.00 AM and going for a 3h walk, having a great breakfast/lunch, going to “kallis” ( a place where you sit naked in a sauna with old people and sweet together and then jump in the 4 degree sea, and repeat it some times. Then afterwards you feel re-born) walking some more, having a great dinner, with a soda blabalbalblablabal…..they just looked funny at me and nothing more…"they need people like me so you can point your *beep fingers and say that’s the bad guy". That used to be my only task in life ,,,,and now I don’t even have that!!

When I was sitting there Friday and Saturday the bottles were whispering to me,,” John,,,,Jooooooohn,,drink me, let me give your soul some fuel”….but I’m strong and I have character (hmm) so I said NO Jack and gave him he finger!!
Being sober and going out with my friends you hear stuff you wouldn’t hear otherwise.
Drop that looser and get with the boozer”
“Hey that’s not my problem, that’s her problem, her dads and my lawyers”
“Hey man its better to say I’m sorry than ask for permission”

All this no drinking and no “sin” make me a walking time bomb !!
To the rid off all this hormones (I heard that sex and violence are the is the same, or not the same but one can be uses as a substitute to the other ,,,or something like that)….so I did some Thai-boxing with a friend (2 meter tall Yugoslavian guy)
….Its true I didn’t think of sex one single time during the training, I was to busy staying alive…so now I have a broken nose, 3 back eyes (thought that was impossible), a face that’s refurnished and a broken arm (this took me 4 hours to write so far, serious!! )…… so that didn’t go that well so now I’m thinking off trying cage fighting.

PS: Im looking for nick names for cage fighting carrier so far I have “Massive destruction”, “Killer tornado” and “The Flying Meatball(TFM)” Ill be more than happy for some more suggesting..

What about that global warming thing?? That some crazy stuff

Friday, March 16, 2007


I went to a vernissage, really good,, I think…but I’m not good with the chargong. so I dressed to cover the hole spectra off people ,,,media/culture/politics!!
I melted in the crowed but I missed the exhibition due to the glasses ,I have 20/20 vision (perfect eyesight, or I see all the signs A,D,O,Q,K,F etc etc except the one at the bottom, don’t know if that’s 20/20?? but that’s another story), and I borrowed some glasses from the 1964 that were really really strong, it was really blurry.
I talked about the exhibition anyway, ,,and people agreed on most of my opinions regarding the exhibition with me not seeing anything,,, So I was talking BS but looking like I knew what I was talking about and they swallowed it,, don’t know who is more pathetic me or them…….

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I really dont have anything to write about now when Im living my goody-two-shoe life!!

I mean what shall I write about???
What kind of seaweed I sleep in, my new GPS watch that tells my how bad my pulse is and that I run slower than yesterday,,, or maybe I should tell you how it seems that all my friends are having the biggest and badest parties just exactly this and next week...or why not about that I was invited to a all you can drink premiere for a new beer at Carlsberg brewery!!!!

That would just be bitter so I just dont write about it..........

Sackre bluöö!!!

and I just signed with the devil and soled my soul to Lucifer (same guy maybe??) ………………………!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

T-20 days and counting

To day was the first day of my 20days non-alcohol/ecologic food/sauna/detox/no dirty thoughts (hmmm take the last one back) purification race!

It’s a very bad timing, just bought a hell of a lot booze, spring is on the way etc etc..guess its never a good time soo…
Don’t know why I have to do every thing so black and white, don’t know why I can just do everything lagom……....... Don’t know why Im doing this btw just came up with it,
,,and as you might have figured out I talk a lot of crap, with absolutely no substance…but ill make this,,,,, I think,,,,no serious I will

Deadline/beer time 2 of April,,,,,,, if anybody see me doing any of the things before that date, you have my full permission to hit/punchIkick me two times as hard as you please on where ever you want,,, except,,you know,,,,,,,,the baby maker!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mitch, B-52 and Hansel

Allot happened in Malaga as you can figure out..... This day the hotels life guard to sick, we took are human responsibility and stepped really need to be fit for this task so me and my partner fist saw that we had that taken care of. So we didn’t drink alcohol for 4 hours and worked out like crazy.

Here we practice "le Bumb" or "Bumb" maestro, Simon ( you know the former bartender is also a former professional Diving champion and a developer if the "bumb") was inspecting carefully... he think we are ready for the 360 Bumb

Just being ridicules good looking

Friday, March 09, 2007

Body and mind as one….

After a hard days work we always try to get our mind/spirit and body back as one.
We do this with some traditional thai-chi, meditation, kendo, kung-fu(indan for "old man with beard on a bike that can kill you") and other martial arts
Mainly we do the “tiger pawn” and “wisdom fist” positions

Thursday, March 08, 2007

AJjajajajajajajja carambra,,,donde esta la bibloteca?

Me and Filip were taking our daily night stroll in Malaga. When suddenly we walked strait in to photo session for the new catholic New Kids On the Block CD cover.We (good-locking as we are) got invited to a photo trial ,,,this is the result and what photographer(Ignacio/Nacho) said to us to get in the mood....

" lonely but strong"

" angel resque me"

"hard on the outside but soft as a Racoon on the inside"

"I rule the world, dont mess with me!!"

"Be more gay"

(we got denied though Filips love stick was to much and not appropriate for their target)
So we went to a bar and learn a new song its very typical Spanish they say, almost as traditional as goes
“dada dad a da dada....dada da da da da.......dadada daaaaaaaaa....a...dada daaaaaa...a...dadadadada DA TEQUILA!!!”

Monday, March 05, 2007

tomayto, tomahto part I (my colleagues)

If you dont get tomayto, tomahto.... you will find one of the best explanations ever here!! you must actually see it!!
Anyway here we go,,look-alikes starting with my dear colleagues!! Remember this is only part I nice to me otherwise your tomahto will be Rosanne Barr or Ronaldiho!
tomayto, tomahto
Enver(t) Maloku?..............Behrang Safri ?

Marre Martini??.......................Stiffler??

Johan "my boss"??............Niklas Skoog???

The Rat Pack??...........TA-engineers??


Sunday, March 04, 2007

The mother ship has spoken to me!!

Finally I know what to do!!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Two bottles off red wine and five disaster’s fruit/milk drinks later….

I want to achieve something in my life ,,,so I have something to brag about when Im old sitting in my rocking chair and telling lies to my grandkids … so I stared to think (believe it or not)

I want an Olympic gold medal…… and how do you do that when your 28 and is diagnosed with corpulence buy making the least effort??
Started to think the of the obvious taekwondo, did some research then it wasn’t so obvious anymore, what a geek sport!!
So I had to re think,,,,what sport are fat people completeing in the Olympics? Came up with shooting, but I don’t like guns soo,,,, archery seems cool, you can be fat and 40 noo problem. Then I realized that my eyes cross when I focus, think that cross-eyeism(word??) could be a safety factor. Then Ihad to do a rokad(??) in my thinking,,,, winter games!!! There are some stupid games I could probably win a gold medal in!!

Skeleton!!! I found it ,,,,and the internet said to me that the Vikings invented this game after eating flugsvamp … so I’m a Swedish Viking or half anyway and the last winner was a fat Canadian 39-year-old guy/man who won ,and it’s a really really cool sport and hardly any that practice is,,,, perfect!!!So I have 11 years of hard core practice ahead of me ,,,,,think I will start with the flugsvamp and then let that guide me…….

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I should grow up maybe..

I feel like I have to write something mature to create a balance from the prior post,, maybe something about me like a introduction………

If I was going to write something about me at this state of mind my image would be to bitter and Ill wait......think I'm going home and put on a Sade CD instead.........why Im I writing this???